Linux文件基本属性 1转载: 第一种是十位二进制表示法 ,(三个属组的每个权限使用一个二进制位,再加一个最高位共十位),可简化为三个八进制数字形式(如 755)1234567-rw------- (600) 只有拥有者有读写权限。-rw-r--r-- (644) 只有拥有者有读写权限;而属组用 2024-05-21
2024-05-17-std::enable_if的使用 Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick 2024-05-17
Hello World Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick 2024-05-17